3375 Edison Way
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Phone: (415) 555-5555
Fax: (415) 555-5515
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
3375 Edison Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025

Facility and Permit Support
True or False? The granting of permits is a simple, straightforward process and if you adhere to the law and meet procedural requirements, you get the permit.
The process of permitting a new facility turned political long ago. We know of instances where agents of the
government have delayed signing even perfunctory easements for more than a year in politically charged situations.
How do the situations become politically charged? Usually, through no fault of the applicant. NIMBY groups, public advocates, reporters with an agenda and even competitors converge to throw stones, sometimes even at projects
that raise the bar for safety, neighborhood compatibility and environmental protection.
The Harrell Group has developed strategic communication programs to support the siting, permitting, and
development of new facilities, and other similar programs. In fact, we've successfully handled some of the most
difficult-to-permit kinds of projects, including landfills, pipelines and hazardous waste disposal.
Our projects include:
- Two hazardous waste incineration projects
- A greenfield cement plant
- Numerous real estate developments - office, residential, commercial and other
208 North Market Street Ste. 325 Dallas, TX 75202 214.954.9544 (P) 214.954.9545 (F)
Down the street responsiveness. International Reach.
24-Hour Media Line: 214-529-2521